Confused about our calling

There are many things, concerns, and ideas that bombard us in our 'church' or 'christian culture.'  There are many ideas or activities that call for our time, effort, support and money.  I am wondering if in the plethora of social media, magazines, posts, sermons, and youtube teachings we might be missing the core of our calling.

Peter, in Acts 10--is branching out with the gospel (fulfilling Jesus' prophecy of Acts 1:8).  Here in this text Peter is taking the gospel to the house of Cornelius.  As Peter explains why he had come to the house of a Gentile--he grapples with the real issue at hand--the gospel!  He explains his core calling in these terms:
"And he ordered us to preach everywhere and to testify that Jesus is ordained of God to be the judge of all--the living and the dead.  He is the one all the prophets testified about, saying that everyone who believes in him will have their sins forgiven through his name.”  (See Acts 10:42-42)

What is our calling?  

To proclaim:

  1. Jesus has been ordained by God to be the judge of everyone.  EVERYONE will one day--stand before the Holy Jesus to be judged
  2. ANYONE who believes in Jesus--will have their sins forgiven.

EVERYTHING else is peripheral.  Help us LORD to be faithful to the gospel!


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