Stuff! Too much Stuff!

 O Great Revealer,

maybe I’ll spend today dusting off my trophies

and moving my diplomas closer to 

eye level.

I know, I know, one day

they’ll be in a garbage dump

and I’ll be in a grave,

but still, redecorating 

might be a fun way to spend

my afternoon.

I wonder how often these antics

bring you to tears.

(Steven James.  A Heart Exposed)

Just yesterday I was looking for a particular picture that my dad had in his possession of the the Vineland volunteer fire department.  The photo was taken back in the 1960’s.  I went to my closet to get out my ‘dad box.’  Yep, that’s what is left of my dad.  In my parents heyday they had stuff and lots of it.  When they immigrated to Canada in 1952 they brought one chest, a couple of suitcases and $80.00—that’s it!  Then that progressed to filling a fairly large house.  Now, my one box is in the bottom of my closet!

Then I read Steven James’ prayer the other morning and thought about my parents… and then eventually about me and my stuff.  I’m thinking about the following:

  1. Stuff is okay, I suppose, providing it doesn’t take my soul, my heart—those belong exclusively to Jesus.
  2. Stuff is okay, providing I don’t miss opportunities to be generous and giving.  After all, my boys will have my ‘box’ one day too! (Maybe)
  3. Perhaps I need to hold stuff more loosely.  You know the adage—no u-haul trailers behind a hearse. 

A couple of verses to consider:

Matthew 6:21 (NIV) 21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

Luke 12:15 (NIV) 15 Then he said to them, “Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions.”


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