Screen Fast

 Screen Fast

The other day I was in a pastor’s study.  It was a ‘normal’ office—nothing overly outstanding.   Not large, not small—just medium.  A couple of guitar cases tucked under the front of his desk.  A couple of the walls were lined with shelves and stuffed with books.  His desk, to be honest was quite messy (much like mine right now).  But it was weird as I looked at his messy desk—there was no computer.  I noticed then his computer was stuffed on a shelf to my left as I stood there.  I thought to myself—that’s strange, perhaps the computer is broken.  Wow, how do you survive with a broken computer?

Later that day I heard the pastor made an interesting statement.  He told a group of other pastors he was on a ‘screen fast.’  He described this as no T.V., no phone, no ipad, no computer—just like he said—‘I am taking a screen fast for a few days.’   

Let me tell you a couple of things up front.  First—his age.  I’m guessing early to mid 30’s, so we are not dealing with an older person.  Second, my reaction.  I’m wowed by this!  I was deeply moved and impressed.  A screen fast in our culture might even be likened to a 40 day food fast.  I know only one of my buddies, who years ago went on a 40 day fast.  I fast regularly —that is food fasting—but not for 40 days!

Fasting other things?  Well, here is a pastor focusing on a screen fast.  Why?  Great question.  But quickly why fast anything?

  1. Matthew 4:4 (KJV)  “ But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.”  Fasting forces our bodies, emotions, and wills to realize that GOD is the reason behind living.  God sustains us.  If we turn from God we die.  Fasting focuses our attention on the real reason—GOD.
  2. Fasting gnaws at our hunger pains, or other pains—and that gnawing turns us again to Christ.  It is a constant reminder.
  3. Fasting provides more time to pray and read Scripture and spiritual materials.
  4. Fasting helps demote our loves for what we are called to love—God above all things and persons.

Why a screen fast?

  1. Have you ever noticed people and their phones?  Stand in a line up and no one talks or greets others around them…they stare passionately at their phones.
  2. We love our screens.  We talk screens—-‘Hey what phone do you use?’  ‘What system are you running?’  ‘How may gigs does that thing have?’. People think nothing of spending a week’s salary on a phone or a month’s salary on a computer.
  3. Addicted to screens.  I’m sure you have read—and probably ignored the warnings—-something happens upstairs in your brain when you spend too much time in front of a screen.  I can still hear my mother telling us as young children—‘Hey you two get outside and play it’s too nice out there to be watching that TV!’ (and that was back in the 1960’s on a black and white TV).
  4. Fasting is supposed to be uncomfortable, hard and difficult.  The point is realigning oneself spiritually as I already said.
  5. Perhaps a screen fast may be around the corner?


  1. I could use one...accelerated down the slippery addictive slope lately!


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