Opportunity to listen: Do you hear what I hear?

There is presented to us two opportunities to listen:

Opportunity # 1:

"Do you hear what I hear?"

John 5:25* I tell you the truth, a time is coming and has now come when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God and those who hear will live.
 26* For as the Father has life in himself, so he has granted the Son to have life in himself.

Here, it is:  Jesus is calling NOW, today--He is calling me.  He is calling you.  Can you hear Him?  What is interesting here is--your choice.  This opportunity to listen has within it--choice.  You/ I can choose to ignore the voice.  We can shut that voice off--we can ignore that voice--tune it out.  

It all comes down to listening.  It all comes down to realizing God's call--and accepting that call!

Opportunity # 2:

This actually is NOT an opportunity....but here it is:

John 5: 28* “Do not be amazed at this, for a time is coming when all who are in their graves will hear his voice
 29* and come out--those who have done good will rise to live, and those who have done evil will rise to be condemned.

This occasion--still to come--me, you, no-one can ignore.  The choosing will be gone.  The opportunity to ignore will be gone.  No one will have the chance to tune that voice out.  No one will have the choice to ignore that voice.  Even those who choose not to believe will be forced to listen! 

EVERYONE will be raised from an intermediate state--and stand before a Holy and Just God.  Then, the millions of people will be judged.  They will be judged on whether they chose to listen to the call of God!

Do you hear what I hear?
Are you listening?

Re 2:7* He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes, I will give the right to eat from the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God.
Re 2:11* He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. He who overcomes will not be hurt at all by the second death.
Re 2:17* He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes, I will give some of the hidden manna. I will also give him a white stone with a new name written on it, known only to him who receives it.
Re 2:29* He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.
Re 3:6* He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.
Re 3:13* He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.
Re 3:22* He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.”

Do You Hear What I Hear?

Do You Hear What I Hear?

Said the night wind to the little lamb,
do you see what I see
Way up in the sky, little lamb,
do you see what I see
A star, a star, dancing in the night
With a tail as big as a kite
With a tail as big as a kite

Said the little lamb to the shepherd boy,
do you hear what I hear
Ringing through the sky, shepherd boy,
do you hear what I hear
A song, a song, high above the trees
With a voice as big as the sea
With a voice as big as the sea

Said the shepherd boy to the mighty king,
do you know what I know
In your palace warm, mighty king,
do you know what I know
A Child, a Child shivers in the cold
Let us bring Him silver and gold
Let us bring Him silver and gold
Said the king to the people everywhere,
listen to what I say
Pray for peace, people everywhere!
listen to what I say
The Child, the Child, sleeping in the night
He will bring us goodness and light
He will bring us goodness and light


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