Lord Heal Your Church

Lord Heal Your Church

We have picked up our cultural norms (adapted from Heather Webb: Small Group Leadership)—-LORD have mercy
  • we are consumerist 
  • we are competitive
  • we are fragmented
Lord have mercy on us
Christ have mercy on us
Lord have mercy on us
Heal us… from consumerism… and cause us to love and serve each other.  Deliver us from the mind-set—‘what’s in it for me?’
Heal us ….from having a competitive edge… and cause us to lay down our lives for each other.
Heal us from… being fragmented… and cause us to live as a community of merciful, gracious, giving, loving people.  To live holistically, loving God with all our minds, hearts souls, and our strength—and loving our neighbours as ourselves.  

P W Cusick   30 Dec 2014


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