Do not follow at a distance

You've all seen it--on the T.V. I mean. The following scene that is. The detective is required to follow the suspect--staying close enough to NOT lose him--but far enough back, NOT to get noticed. Following at a distance would bring potential disaster.

Peter did that! Recall his proud and arrogant statement in Matthew 26:33 ff. Peter boast: 'Jesus, I'm with you--no matter what!' Then Peter sleeps when he should have been praying. He misreads Jesus comments about a sword and take his sword and chops off the ear of Malchus. But the real mistake of Peter is this; he followed at a distance. Matthew 25:58 "But Peter followed Him at a distance to the high priest's courtyard. And he went in and sat with the servants to see the end."

The lesson is clear! Jesus I do NOT want to follow you at a distance. I want to stay as close as I possibly can. I want to know more about you, eternity and my Bible than I do about sports, my job or my car. I want to be closer to you than to my wife and my family. I would rather be classed as stupid by the world, but brilliant in heaven.

I do NOT want to follow at a distance. So, remove from me Jesus--yes I give you permission--remove from me things, stuff, ideals, habits, etc. that are hindering me from walking as close as possible to you. I do not want to lose you--for what will it profit me if I gain the entire world but lose You?


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