Actively pursuing Jesus

Matt 9:29 "Do you believe I am able to do this? Yes, Lord...Be it done to you according to your faith."

This is the story of two blind men who are crying out to Jesus for healing.
The 'usual' paradigm for healing in the gospels is this. "Be it done to you according to your faith." That is the usual way healing flowed in the gospels. The gospels, more than any other portion of scripture teach us about healing--for the gospels reveal the Father's will demonstrated in the person of Jesus. Christ reveals the Father. The more we focus on Jesus, the more we ultimately focus on the Father's will and ways. MOST people found Jesus--sought Him out--and came to Him. Healing was THEIR idea. Think of the woman with the issue of blood. SHE decided that if she touched the hem of Jesus' garment (probably his tzitzi --see Mal 4:2 where 'wings' is best translated tzitzi). It was not Jesus' idea to heal the woman--it was the woman's idea to receive healing. That idea of her's is translated into the paradigmatic statement: "your faith has made you well (Matt 9:22)."

A good friend of mine Dr Roger Sapp has noted that this is the differenced between 'actively pursuing Jesus' and 'passively waiting.' I want to actively pursue Jesus. I want to seek Him. I want to be healed. I want to be walking in Divine health. I want to be filled with the Spirit. I want to walk with the Spirit, be led by the Spirit and hear the Spirit. I am not passively waiting. I am actively pursing Jesus.


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