Bondage to the opinion of others

While this is, no doubt, a negative example--there is a lesson here. Matthew chapter 14 tells the story of John the Baptist's beheading. John apparently could not leave well enough alone. He judges (must not have read Matthew 7:1) that Herod's relationship with his brother Philip's wife was adulterous. Herod is ticked off at the prophet John and wants to kill John.

Matthew 14:7 tells us that the reason why Herod did not kill John was "he fears the multitude... because they counted John as a prophet." Fear of the crowd paralyzes Herod. As the story goes, on Herod's birthday his wife's daughter dances so amazingly Herod is mesmerized and makes a huge and dumb statement. He is so out of his mind he makes an oath and promises 'anything' the little gal wants. She, consults her mother and mom says: 'Get Johnny's head!' So the king reluctantly sends off a guard to do the chopping. The reason? Matthew 14:9
"And the king was sorry; nevertheless, because of the oaths and because of those who sat with him, he commanded it to be given to her."

Herod again makes a decision based on the crowd and his fear of them.

Wow, what a HUGE lesson for us. We are part of a culture that screams at us--mind your own business. Keep your 'religion' in your own holy clubs and leave us alone. If we fear he crowds, or want the crowds approval it is very very doubtful we will have Father's approval.

This bondage to the fear of the others continues in the gospel of John. In that story (read it John 9) everyone is bent out of shape to please the Jewish leaders in the local synagogue. The leaders decided the following: John 9:22 "His parents said these things because they feared the Jews, for the Jews had agreed already that if anyone confessed that He was Christ, he would be put out of the synagogue." Join the silent followers of Jesus and maintain your religious status quo. Stand up and be public about it and out you will go!

Lord deliver me from fear. Deliver me from the fear of the others. Deliver me from wanting to be liked, approved and loved. Deliver me from wanting the approval of others. Deliver me from lowering my standards to public opinion. Deliver me from protecting my own skin at the expense of truth. Deliver me from wanting comfort over the cross. Deliver me from wanting the applause of men more than the applause of heaven!


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