Should I go to church on Sunday?


Dr Tom Sweeney, teaching a course I am taking, at one time did some missions work in Brazil.  In Brazil, Tom was familiar with one church with a membership of some 1500 persons.


This church taught the necessity of three important weekly connections.  These are as follows:


1.  Sunday public worship.

2.  Small group.

3.  One on one mentoring, with your spiritual mother/father.


Now, if a person finds themselves in a busy week, or busy season it was taught that one needed to prioritize this list as follows:


1.      If you can participate in only one of these it is best to see your mentor—the one-on-one relationship—the student with the teacher—your spiritual father/mother.

2.      Second, make sure you attend your small group.

3.      Then last attend public worship.


It is my experience that this order is usually reversed in our culture.  It is reversed, mostly because in our culture most believers don’t have a spiritual father/ mother —mentor.  Nor for that matter do most participate in a small group.


Now, isn't that interesting?   





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