Prayer--why bother?


Back in the 14th Century an unknown author wrote a prayer manual entitled The Cloud of Unknowing.  In this little book he teaches his students how to pray--more specifically, how contemplative prayer works.   You can download the translated original online if you do a search, or you can purchase an easier to read translation.  

Simple question for this blog:

Why pray?

Why learn contemplative prayer?

Our unknown author/ teacher gives us the following 4 reasons:


  1. To know God better.
  2. To love God for the sake of God alone.  
  3. Not seeking a greater reward, not some release from my suffering… nothing for me.  The aim is a total detachment and just loving God for  Himself.  
  4. This accomplishes a deposit of Divine Love within… which causes me to love others more! (Especially those who cause me pain and problems!)   How do you know if you are loving God well?  It manifests itself in loving others.  Loving others is the fruit of loving God.   


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