On Joe Thornton and the Stanley Cup

 On Joe and the Stanley Cup

Joe Thornton is coming to Toronto!  Everyone is pumped!  A few days ago I  was listening to a radio interview with Joe as the special guest. Talk of the Stanley cup came up.  This question was asked:  “Why the Stanley cup?  What’s so important about it?”  

Joe’s response was as follows.  ‘You know even as kids, playing road hockey, you all imagine you are playing for the Stanley Cup.’ Then Joe said, “…the Stanley Cup, that’s why you play the game…it’s the big magical thing.” 

Wow—that’s why you play the game!  I thought about that statement—that’s why you play the game!  That rang in my spirit because I realize that illustrates my spirituality and my spiritual life.  Here it is:  The reason I am able to live for Christ in a pretty much God-less culture that is more and more permeated with evil, selfishness, hatred, etc. is because of the prize—eternal intimacy with Jesus.

Hundreds of professional hockey players will hit the ice again (sometime?) with one intention—the Stanley Cup.  It’s every hockey players dream.  Even though very few actually drink from the cherished cup—everyone wants to and earnestly tries hard—just in case, by some fluke, they can raise that cup over their heads.

Everything I do here in this life is but a shadow of the ecstasy of eternity with Jesus.  The ‘minor’ things that may initially be difficult or hard are nothing compared to being with Christ forever.  Any pain, discomfort, suffering, ache, hardship or annoyance is puny compared to the glory I will experience in eternity.

No pain.  No trial.  No discomfort. NOTHING—is compared to what I will cherish, love and experience for all eternity!  So bring it on!  I don’t care.  One day the real prize will be experience by Peter W Cusick.

Philippians 3:14 (NLT)

14 I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.


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