No one is looking for God! Psalm 14:2

 Three gifts you have been given:

  • Desire
  • Openness
  • Receptivity

Thesis:  You will never receive anything from God except by revelation.  You are not looking for God—God is looking for you.  If God had chosen NOT to reveal himself, NO ONE would seek him nor find him.  God is a self-revealer.

Definition:  Revelation—this means disclosure, making fully known.

  1. God cannot be found, located, known—unless he chooses first to reveal himself.
  2. What then is your responsibility?  If you cannot know God unless he reveals himself, what are you supposed to do?
  3. Three gifts God in grace has given you:

Gift # 1:  Desire:  God has placed desire in your heart for himself.  There is deep inside EVERY human being a heart that is beating for God! Ecclesiastes 3:11 He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also He has put eternity in their hearts, except that no one can find out the work that God does from beginning to end.”  You have to choose to say no to God.  Refuse that deep seated desire and use that God-given desire to seek other things, persons, stuff, etc. 

Gift # 2:  Openness:  There is a ‘natural’ tendency to be open to a divine being—someone, something bigger, larger, than ourselves.  Someone who knows what is really going on.  Someone who can sort out our messy lives and answer all the really hard questions.  That openness is a gift from God.  You can choose to ignore it or argue it away. 

Gift # 3:  Receptivity:  From a little baby until we refuse, our natural tendency is to reach out and allow ourselves to be touched, nurtured, and loved.  We are —by birth—naturally receptive persons.  This is a gift from God.  God has given you this gift, so when he reaches out to you, you will most naturally receive him.

Now all of these three gifts are gifts given to every human being.  If you are not a follower of Christ—I urge you to use these graces to receive revelation of the God who is chasing after you.  If you are a believer—stop resisting the advances of the God who is chasing after you and use these graces to receive more revelation. 


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