On Secular Religion

On Secular Religion

Before you read the following, I need to state my case clearly up front.  This is to avoid any misunderstanding in reading this blog:

Thesis:  Canada is no longer a ‘Christian’ country.  Canadian culture worships at the throne of secular religion.  Canada as a ‘Christian’ country is dead, gone—and without revival will never rise again.  So I am writing this blog with that clear understanding.  I am not bemoaning the fact that  Canada is no longer a ‘Christian’ country, and am not playing that card.  I want to move on in the culture in which I am planted as salt and light. 

I am going to make an attempt to delve into a vast subject with my limited ability.  An article by Mary Ann Waldron is to blame.  (See: https://www.cardus.ca/comment/article/sacred-and-secular-belief-can-we-have-peace/?_cldee=bmFuY3kud2Fyd2lja0BvdXRsb29rLmNvbQ%3d%3d&recipientid=contact-51a2a36dc0c8e71180ec3863bb35dde0-2725698e37084fabaeca472c3193f283&esid=781062b6-6bb7-e811-8121-3863bb2e83e8)

Waldron makes some interesting comments and leads her readers through  some of the following conclusions, concerns, and ideas.

1.  Canada worships:
Canada worships now at the altar of ‘secular religion.’  Everyone has a belief system—and that belief system is worshipped.  In Canada—which proposes (constitutionally), freedom of beliefs and practices—falls short in one key area—spiritual religion.
2.  Secular religion:
I believe Waldron uses the term ‘secular religion’ to mark the passion and fervour demonstrated by people towards -traditionally non-religious’ things.  Plus Waldron explains, ‘rather than a landscape of vanishing faith, I suggest, we see a growing in strength of a particular belief system, which is falling prey to the historical temptations of dominant religions;  exclusion and repression.”
3.  Secular religion defined:
One more quote from Waldron for definition purposes: “In short, the ‘secular’ as we use it today describes not an absence of belief, but a kind of belief;  that the universe is independent of the divine;  that the sacred is irrational and must be ignored for purposes of forming social policy, and that regard for the sacred matters be reduced to a private hobby.”  
4.  My observation:  
So in plain language: You can belief what you want—but you may not practice what you want.  Your ‘beliefs’ are fine—but the expression of those beliefs and the day to day practice of those beliefs are not fine.  Unless, of course, you worship at the altar of ‘secular religion.’   In ‘secular religion’ you are allowed to worship publicly, voice passionately, and live powerfully.  However, if you have a spiritual religion of some sort—you need to do that in the confines of your home (at best) or a privately owned club (read church/ mosque etc) that the governments really needs to tax.  

Now all of this boils down to two things:

1.  My political actions as a ‘Christian Canadian’:
 I need to support any definition of any religious expression—this is true freedom of expression.  Taking pot-shots at others—only fuels the new secular religion.  Jesus never coerces anyone. He never pushes anyone.  As a matter of fact He fulfills this incredible prophecy.
Matthew 12:18-21
“18 “Behold! My Servant whom I have chosen, My Beloved in whom My soul is well pleased! I will put My Spirit upon Him, And He will declare justice to the Gentiles.
19 He will not quarrel nor cry out, Nor will anyone hear His voice in the streets.
20 A bruised reed He will not break, And smoking flax He will not quench, Till He sends forth justice to victory;
21 And in His name Gentiles will trust.””

So Jesus—allowed—God allows—for this season people to choose and do what they want.  He doesn’t bully them.  He doesn’t call them names.
Neither should I. Plus…standing with ‘any’ expression of religion can/might provide a political majority in our ‘democracy.’

2.  My spiritual actions as a ‘Christian’ Canadian’:

  Pray like I’ve never prayed before.   I need to turn up the heat spiritually.  Canada has been stolen out from under my feet.  I can bemoan that or I can fast, pray, and seek the LORD for a fresh and mighty out pouring of the Spirit.  Further that prayer by being salt and light in a dark country—releasing God’s love to those who are ready to receive it.  


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