Please sir... I want some more

I was reminded the other evening—as my family was gathered home for a meal—of a time in my childhood when we were ‘poor.’  My dad was a union man who worked for Generous Motors (as General Motors became known by my Dad, after his retirement).  I cannot recall how long he was on strike, nor how long it lasted. I do recall that money was scarce as the mortgage had to be paid. This resulted in eating what was called in our home ‘spud and onions.’  This was a British way of announcing the supper menu:
Mashed potatoes, with a touch of onion—-and bread. This menu fit the strike budget. It also found a great degree of repetition, in that we ate this night after night.  Occasionally your pallet called out—‘is that all there is?’  I really want more... of something!!!

I have recently been reminded of the spiritual truth in this statement—‘is that all there is?’

1.  The early pentecostals (early 1900’s) had a central theme—the soon return of Jesus. This had tremendous impact on every aspect of church and personal life. The idea was simple—Jesus is coming soon (like probably Saturday or at the latest, next month) so give more money—pray harder—tell more people about Jesus—go to Africa.
2.  So, ‘is that all there is?’—absolutely not.
I’ve just muscled my way through the book of Daniel. Daniel has a few good stories and a bunch of crazy dreams and visions that Daniel shares.  There is a plethora of interpretations about the dreams etc.  However, what struck me the most was the way the book ends. There are two things of note:
(1) This life is NOT all there is—there is more!
 Daniel 12:2, 3
“2 Many of those whose bodies lie dead and buried will rise up, some to everlasting life and some to shame and everlasting contempt.
3 Those who are wise will shine as bright as the sky, and those who turn many to righteousness will shine like stars forever.”
(2). Any dimension of blessing I receive while here on earth is temporal and shallow compared to the inheritance that I could receive afterwards:
Daniel 12:13
“13 “As for you, go your way until the end. You will rest, and then at the end of the days, you will rise again to receive the inheritance set aside for you.””

So no—there IS more!  


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