On Secular Religion
On Secular Religion Before you read the following, I need to state my case clearly up front. This is to avoid any misunderstanding in reading this blog: Thesis: Canada is no longer a ‘Christian’ country. Canadian culture worships at the throne of secular religion. Canada as a ‘Christian’ country is dead, gone—and without revival will never rise again. So I am writing this blog with that clear understanding. I am not bemoaning the fact that Canada is no longer a ‘Christian’ country, and am not playing that card. I want to move on in the culture in which I am planted as salt and light. I am going to make an attempt to delve into a vast subject with my limited ability. An article by Mary Ann Waldron is to blame. (See: https://www.cardus.ca/comment/article/sacred-and-secular-belief-can-we-have-peace/?_cldee=bmFuY3kud2Fyd2lja0BvdXRsb29rLmNvbQ%3d%3d&recipientid=contact-51a2a36dc0c8e71180ec3863bb35dde0-2725698e37084fabaeca472c3193f283&esid=781062b6-6bb7-e811-