Who Am I?

Who am I?

I am not what I do…I am not what I have…I am not what others think of me.  That thinking creates a ‘false-self.’  I am who Jesus tells me I am.  I am who the Bible declares I am.

Society, my culture, and the devil wants me to live in my false self.  I need to reclaim my true self.  Henri Nouwen:  “The spiritual life requires a constant claiming of our true Identity.”  Life strips us of our identity.  Ministry strips us of our identity.  Satan strips us of our identity.  People strip us of our identity.  Circumstances strip us of our identity.  

Who does the Word of God declare that I am?  

Ephesians 1:1-14

I am blessed in the heavenly realms
I am united with Christ
I am loved by God
I have been chosen in Christ to be holy
I have been adopted into God’s family through Jesus Christ
I give God great pleasure.
I am a recipient of God’s grace outpoured on me because of Jesus—God’s son.
I have been purchased out of my sin and sinful life
I am showered with God’s kindness

Because I have been united with Christ— 
I have received an inheritance which God chose for me in advance.

Because I have believed in Jesus—
God identifies me as being one of His—He does this by giving me the Holy Spirit.

Because I have the Holy Spirit —
I have a guarantee that God will give me all the inheritance that He has promised. 

Because I have an inheritance that is guaranteed—
God calls me HIS own-  I belong to the people of God.

Because of all this… I will praise and glorify God.  

© www.besidepeacefulstreams.com  

Rev Peter W Cusick 


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