Nice Dirt

Haven't we all made statements like this:

  • Wow... you should read this person's books--they are awesome
  • You should watch so and so's videos--She is really anointed
  • I want to go to that person's church--He is an outstanding preacher

We say these things because we are mistaken.  We have fallen in the error of thinking a good harvest is determined by the seed--not the soil. 

What I mean is this: Jesus told his followers a story about a farmer scattering seed. There are four types of soil--but only one type of seed.  The condition of the harvest is determined not by the seed, but by the soil.  Jesus explained it like this.  The seed is the Word of God. The four types of soil in the parable represent people's hearts and their relationship to the seed!  The most successful harvest is defined by Jesus in these terms: "And the seeds that fell on good soil represent honest, good-hearted people who hear God's word, cling to it, and patiently produce a huge harvest." (Luke 8:15 NLT). 

Good dirt?  That's my heart. It is the condition of my heart. Spiritual harvests in my life are reflective of the condition of my heart.  I cannot shove that responsibility on someone else's shoulders. 

Next time I (or you) catch myself thinking--'wow this guy is no good' ---I need to check my heart---making sure it is soft, ready to receive the Word sown--and allow the Spirit to produce a harvest in me.   


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