Christ's Resurrection: Easter Confession

Covenantal Pledge 
Christ’s Resurrection

Lord —Hear my confession:
I confess today my need of salvation.
I confess today my need of a Saviour.
I confess today I am a sinner.

Lord—I believe:
I believe Jesus died for my sins.
I believe Jesus rose again three days later.
I believe Jesus ascended into heaven.
I believe Jesus is coming back to earth to receive unto Himself—His followers.

Lord—I receive:
Jesus as my Resurrected Saviour
Jesus as my Reigning King
Jesus as my Coming King

Lord—I expect:
To receive forgiveness for my sins
To receive healing for my body
To receive deliverance in my life
To receive resurrection of my body when You come again

Lord—I pledge:
To surrender to my Resurrected, Ascended, and Soon Coming King.
To follow with all my heart my Resurrected, Ascended, and Soon Coming King.
To serve with all my intention—my Resurrected, Ascended, and Soon Coming King.
And Lord, I pledge to tell others about the wonderful and awesome privilege of being a child of my Resurrected, Ascended, and Soon Coming King.
©  Rev. Peter W Cusick


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