Who are you? Who am I?

Who are you?

(From Henri Nouwen p 134  Here and Now)

The three answers that we generally live—not necessarily give—are

  1. We are what do we  (we are our success)
  2. We are what others say about us (we are our popularity)
  3. We are what we have ( we are our power)

Therefore… ‘when we are dead—we are dead’…because when we die,

  1. We cannot do anything anymore
  2. People don’t talk about us anymore
  3. We have nothing anymore

“When we ARE what the world makes us, we can’t BE after we have left the world.”


A.  Just do it!

1.  If there is no ‘God”, no eternity, then be as successful as you possibly can.  Position, authority, success need to dominate your life.  Don’t get stuck in a rut.  Don’t get stuck in relationships that suck the life out you.  Get job promotions at any cost.  You are, after all—what you do.  So do it good!  

2.  Do everything in your power to be popular.  Do anything necessary.  You are —after all—what people say about you.  Buy people.  Buy relationships.  Make sure people love you and like you.  

3.  Get stuff.  More stuff.  Bigger house.  New car.  More Money.  More stuff.  Lots of stuff—you are after all—what you have.  Don’t be satisfied with small things—you need bigger and better all the time!

B.  Give up

1.  Realize that you are NOT
  • what you do
  • what others say about you
  • what you have

2.  You have been created in the image of God—and you are a child of God.  That is the essence of your being.  

3.  Henri Nouwen:  “You are not what the world makes you, but you are children of God." 

Click here to hear Nouwen preach this!!


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