Jesus the Vicarious Sufferer

Definitions please!!!

Jesus:  The God-Man.  The ONLY one who could perfectly represent both the guilty party of humanity and Holiness of God.  

Vicarious:  (see
1.  performed, exercised, received, or suffered inplace of another:
vicarious punishment.
2.  taking the place of another person or thing;acting or serving as a substitute.

Jesus suffered on my behalf.  The cause of the suffering was (and is!) 
  • my sin
  • my rebellion against God
  • my desire(s) to do my own thing
  • my pain
  • my sickness
  • my depressions, anxieties,

Jesus—suffered on my behalf!

For three days now—this old hymns keeps ringing in my spirit:

(W. G. Ovens, v. 1 (1870-1945); Gladys Watkin Toberts, vv. 2-5)
Wounded for me, wounded for me, 
There on the cross He was wounded for me;
Gone my transgressions, and now I am free,
All because Jesus was wounded for me.

Dying for me, dying for me,
There on the cross He was dying for me;
Now in His death my redemption I see,
All because Jesus was dying for me.

Risen for me, risen for me,
Up from the grave He has risen for me;
Now evermore from death’s sting I am free,
All because Jesus has risen for me.

Living for me, living for me,
Up in the skies He is living for me;
Daily He’s pleading and praying for me,
All because Jesus is living for me.

Coming for me, coming for me,
Soon in the air He is coming for me;
Then with what joy His dear face I shall see,
Oh, how I praise Him! He’s coming for me.


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