Incremental Revelation

Jesus taught in parables--a well known fact.  The disciples once asked:  "Ok Jesus--why are you teaching in parables?"  (Matt 13:11FF)

Here is Jesus' response:

1.  YOU--as in the disciples-- are permitted to understand the secrets of the Kingdom of Heaven and others are not.

2.  If you listen--MORE understanding will be given.

3.  If you do not listen--LESS understanding will be given.

The key: is the Isaiah 6:9-10 prophecy.
If the Spirit comes knocking and you don't answer the door He will go away.
The Spirit stays when and where He is welcomed and His presence is nurtured.
The Spirit is the 'source' of Divine Revelation.  If you want MORE revelation (not just information)--then listen and obey.
If you open your spirit to a small amount of revelation--you will receive MORE and MORE revelation.

Revelation is always incremental.  It's increase is commiserate with your reception of the last revelation He gave.

This is also why unsaved people cannot receive revelation--it is incremental.  In sharing the Bible story/ the gospel you must understand that basic revelation must be received FIRST.

All revelation is incremental.


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