Experience and the Spirit!

Peter D Neuman (Pentecostal Experience: http://www.amazon.com/Pentecostal-Experience-Ecumenical-Encounter-Theological/dp/1610976924/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1436615625&sr=8-1&keywords=pentecostal+experience)  


Quotes Frank D Macchia's  experience with Spirit Baptism in these words:

"I do not refer here to a drunken state but rather a conscious wholly taken up with God so that one feels especially inspired to give of oneself to others in whatever giving God has created within.  It is essentially an experience of self-transcendence motivated by the love of God.  Experience is certainly culturally mediated and will vary in nature from person to person, and context to context.  But I simply cannot imagine this clothing with power unless some kind of powerful experience of the divine presence, love, and calling is involved, one that loosens our tongues and hands to function under the inspiration of the Spirit."


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