The Heart of a Son


I thank you that you are my Loving Father

I thank you that you have given me, by grace, the spirit of a son.

You are helping me leave and forsake the heart of an orphan.

Thank you that  I see you as a loving Father:

That I am interdependent and I acknowledge my needs.

That I live by the law of love.

That I have rest and peace.

That I am TOTALLY accepted in Your love and justified by YOUR grace.

That my service to you is motivated by a deep gratitude for being unconditionally loved and accepted by You.

That I can take pleasure and delight in discipline.

That I want to be holy... I do NOT want to do anything that would hinder my relationship with you.

That I have a positive self image.  I know I am valuable to You.

That I have a place of quietness and solitude--that I find rest in Your presence.

That I can rejoice at the blessings and successes in the lives of others.

That your love is filling me so I can restore others and help others in a spirit of love and gentleness.

That I can respect and honour those over me.

That I can receive admonition as a blessing and need in my life.

That I can be open, patient, and affectionate as I lay down my agendas and life to serve others.

That I can be close and intimate with You.

That I am free.

That I feel like Your Son.

That I am experiencing Your unconditional love and acceptance.

That my future is coming to me by inheritance and not performance!

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