Let it rain!

Today I was reading/ thinking as Richard Foster was teaching me… about rain.  When it is raining the first response is I have to stay dry.  Get an umbrella.  Go inside.  Protect yourself.

I do however, recall a time when we were children and it was raining very strongly.  As a matter of fact—not unlike what happened last night here in St Thomas.  Rather than protect ourselves, Mom allowed us to put on our swim trunks and head outside.  I recall having the time of my life.  Of particular fun, was the ditch in front of our house.  It had rained so profusely the ditch was flowing like a river.  As luck would have it—we had on our swim trunks and the ditch was welcoming us to jump in and play.

How often is the Spirit wanting to rain down on us… and we run inside?
We try to protect ourselves.
We put on our religion:
our suits and ties
our skinny jeans and t-shirts
our reputation
our pride
our prejudices 
our history
our preferences…
so that we can protect ourselves from the rain of the Spirit!  We, after all don’t want to get that wet!  Maybe, just a little wet!

Why not rather throw caution to the wind and pray with Zechariah: “Ask the LORD for rain In the time of the latter rain. The LORD will make flashing clouds; He will give them showers of rain, Grass in the field for everyone. “(Zechariah 10:1)


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