The Gospel--has it really set me free?

Justin Buzzard wrote recently, “The gospel doesn’t just free you from what other people think about you, it frees you from what you think about yourself."

I don't know about you but when I read that--to be totally honest--it made me want to dance.  Which brings up a quick side issue--I don't dance---cause it's just plain ugly.  I'd love to be able to dance. Anyway, as I was saying.  It makes me want to dance.  Not being much of dancer I turn to other things.

It makes me want to laugh--long, loudly, effortlessly.
It makes me want to jump into Father's arms and let Him hug me.
It makes me want to sing.
It makes me want to shout--real loud!
It makes me want to love Jesus more, serve Him better.
It makes me want to give the love Father has poured into my life--away.
It makes me want to lay everything at Jesus' feet and run a marathon for Him!

The gospel--frees me from what other people think about me.  Now that's good--because I live in the public eye.  I've been accused of having too big a boat--and too old a car.  Huh?  Talk about opposites! I've been accused of being too hard or too judgmental.  I've been accused of not shooting bad Christians fast enough.  I've been accused of not visiting enough.  Etc.  I'm okay with all of that--as it goes with the territory.  I recall years ago a magazine that I used to subscribe too called Leadership Journal.  The chief selling feature of the Journal was the comics.  One particular comic stuck in my mind.  While I can't recall the caption--I recall the image.  It was the local pastor and his family sitting at their kitchen table having a meal together.  The table was obviously set in their home.  Their home?  A fishbowl--where everyone could see everything--all the time!

Okay, so the gospel says, the previous paragraph really doesn't matter a hill of beans!  The power of the gospel sets me free from anyone's opinion of me--and places me right in the King's court dancing my fool head off.  Hilarious or what?

Second, the gospel sets me free from my opinion of me.  Because, you see, I too have opinions about me.  I don't pray enough.  I don't witness enough.  Maybe I do make too much money.  Maybe I am a rotten father.  That sermon stunk.  Maybe I am a jerk to my wife!  And on and on I go.  But, the gospel says what I think about me doesn't matter either! The gospel says what I think about  Jesus is what really matters!  The gospel is about coming face to face with God's grace and mercy. The gospel is about an on-going transformation by the indwelling Spirit.

The Gospel is about Jesus and what He did, is doing, and will do --for me, in me and through me!
No wonder I want to dance!  Come on Peter--get up and start moving!


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