It is so easy to rend your garments in our culture!

A.   Here are a few rather easy steps that will make you 'LOOK'  spiritual

Raise your hands in worship
Drop in your offering
Have your own tithing envelope number
Join the membership role
Fill a needed serving vancancy:  usher, deacon, Sunday School teacher
Show up when the doors are open
Carry a Bible
Or have a really good Bible app
Show some kind of response
If you are young and energetic:  jump, dance, shout during worship
Respond to an altar
Shake hands
Hug  people:  if you are a 'hugger'
Laugh appropriately
Know the new songs  
Listen to worship music in your car
Know 'some' hymns
Speak in tongues so that others hear you

But all of that can be done from a totally empty heart
All of that has the potential of outward 'show'

Joel tells us  "Don't tear your clothing in grief, but tear your hearts instead" (Joel 2:13)

B.  Here are some signs of spirituality that won't receive a passing nod from church/ religious people--but will receive the applause of heaven

Spend an entire night in prayer
Fast regularly
Walk the streets at 11 p.m. and pray for homeless people, give them a sandwich and blanket while you are there
Do the dishes for your spouse.  Give your spouse a foot massage—just because
Send 10% of your income overseas to feed hungry children
Write letters to prisoners.
Wash a senior's car—and change the oil too!
Coach a little-league ball team.
Volunteer at the local hospital.
Prayer walk the city.
Periodically spend your family vacation money on a family short term missions trip.
Have a missionary stay in your home.
Refuse to listen to music in your car, but spend the time in meditation and prayer.
Visit sick people.
Make a mortgage payment for a struggling family you know of.
Give your car away.
Look after yourself physically
Practice solitude
Read and meditate on the Scriptures daily 
Pass out Bibles to strangers
Practice praying for a stranger every day, once a week, monthly
Play soccer with your kids. 

C.  The first set of things is-- let's be honest, rather simple.  Your heart doesn't need to be in them.  
A little bit of discipline and determination is all that is needed.  Plus, if you are of the persuasion that Jesus is impressed, happy or you are actually gaining ground with Jesus--that's a huge impetus to keep it up.

The second set of things—not so much.  You will never do them--I will never do them--hardly ANY of them, unless my/your heart is constantly changed.  Those things are generated from a soft, weeping heart.  There is no applause from people--most of them are done in secret.  But, most of them Joel would rejoice over.  They all point to "returning to God." (Joel 2:19)
And who knows?  Perhaps he will send a blessing! (Joel 2:20)


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