Disposition Weeks for the Spiritual Exercises.

I've borrowed this from "Disposition Weeks for the Spiritual Exercises."

"Poverty of spirit means that my confidence is in God alone, not even in my own talents, or gifts, or achievements. It is to open to God all the resources of my intellect, heart, possession, and time. It is to cooperate consciously with God's dream for planet earth in my plans, endeavors and choices. It means that I am sufficiently detached from such things as my need for approval, esteem, possessions, etc. so that I am dependent only on God's Spirit."

I (don't shoot me-look in the mirror) will tend to lean on my own abilities.  These are the things I have accomplished and learned over the years of life.  I've done the assessments--learned about my personality giftings etc.  I know what I can do--and conversely I know what I cannot do.  

However, as I look at all of that--I can tend to develop a sense of confidence in 'ME.'  I do this well--but not that well.  That is ultimately wrong.  While there are particular areas I think the Spirit tends to use me in-if I major in those areas, think in those areas, focus in those areas, the following may happen.  As noted above, that may develop into "my need for approval, esteem, possessions, etc."  The above author is absolutely correct.  I need to be dependent ONLY upon God's Spirit.  

Make this our prayer:  Lord detach me from those things.  Detach me from my needs for approval, esteem, possession--those things that hold me in high regard among people.  I want to cooperate consciously with Your dream for this planet!


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