Batter up!

If you know me at all—you know I am not a baseball fan.  If there were more people around like me, professional ball players would earn what Walmart greeters earn annually.  However, that’s not my point.  I do have somewhat of a rudimentary understanding of baseball.  I understand that you have three chances at hitting the ball.  So, it’s three strikes and you are out!

Here are three swings at a ball—which one are you swinging at?

Swing Number One:
There is a certain mind set—some call an orphan mind—a performance driven mind—that says the following.  I am working hard for the kingdom of God. I work for my church.  I attend everything at my church.  My church and its activities are the number one priority in my life and my family.  I am a worker.  I am driven.  I am busy for God.  I am striving hard.  
And, with all that—God is happy.  He sees me working hard.  He sees me rejecting comfort, ease and pleasure.   After all doesn’t Amos say:  “Woe to those who are at ease?”  I’m not at ease—so there is no ‘woe’ for me.  Hallelujah!

Swing Number Two:
I’m saved because I repeated a prayer.  Jesus loves me this I know for the Bible tells me so.  Yeah!  I’m in!  So let’s get on with life.  I have a nice package of stuff I don’t do—but I have to keep it all balanced.  After all, it is 2014, and there are bills to pay, kids to drive to various clubs, cars to wash, vacations to take, RRSP to invest, family time, retirement to enjoy, personal time, fun times, etc.  Church is kind of on my radar, but after all,  Jesus is not synonymous with church.  You can do the Jesus thing—but not the church thing—that’s okay,  Because, don’t forget—I’m in!  I said the prayer!  I cross the line!  I have a nice manageable faith.  I have no real motivation to serve—I’m quite comfortable—thank you very much.

Swing Number Three
I’m a son.  God has sent the Spirit of His Son into my heart, and I am crying “Abba Father.”  He has loved me—right from the moment I was conceived in my mother’s womb.  He nurtures me with His presence.  I need Him.  I need His Presence.  I receive His rest, pleasure, and peace.  I want to serve Him—from a sense of deep gratitude for being unconditionally loved and accepted by God.  I want to receive Father’s love and give it away.  I look for opportunities to first love God—then share his love.  My motivation to serve is not from duty, fear, or obligation—I just want to give Father’s love away!

Now, to be brutally honest, I have spent seasons of my life in Christ swinging at each ball.    I also see seasons of church-life swinging at each ball.  I am believing the Spirit to bring the church into the “swing number three!” 


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