What kind of giver are you?

Over the years, I have noticed that a local church has three kinds of givers in the pews—which one are you?

Giver # 1:
This is a giver by DNA—it’s just part of whom they are.  It’s not even so much spiritual as mere common sense.  This giver gives a portion (usually 10%) with every pay cheque that comes into his hands.  They give fifty-two weeks a year.  They give when they are mad at the pastor.  They give when they are on holidays.  They give when they dislike the music.  They give when they disagree with the church budget—because, it’s part of their spiritual DNA.  They pray, they read their Bibles, they don’t shoot their neighbours, they go to work every day, they love their spouses, they don’t steal, commit adultery or use the Lord’s name in vain and they give 10%.  And what’s more, they don’t even think about it. It’s not hard.  It’s just—normal.  They see giving the same way Jesus saw giving.  Jesus saw tithing as a minor issue.  Matthew 23:23  “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have neglected the weightier matters of the law: justice and mercy and faith. These you ought to have done, without leaving the others undone.”  Giving a 10% tithe to Jesus, was a small issue compared to “weightier” matters of the faith.

I have had four conversations with pastors about giving in the past month.  Everyone is saying his church finances are way down this year.  Why?  Well, it has do with two rather simple things.  First, the simple economic realities—people have less income so the 10 % is lower.  Second,  Giver # 1 is becoming extinct.  There are fewer Giver # 1 types in our churches.

Giver # 1 sees his local church as his.  It doesn’t belong to the pastor, to the deacons, to others—it belongs to him.  He is as responsible for the local church budget as he is responsible for his own private budget.  

Giver # 2
This is a giver that gives when all his financial ducks are in line.  Here’s a sampling of the line up needed.  First, he needs to actually be at church.  Giver # 1 will make sure his tithe is there whether he is there or not—giver # 2 actually needs to be physically present.  Second, all other household bills need to be paid first.  So, the tithe, or church portion is treated differently than this giver’s personal mortgage.  Giver # 2 makes that differentiation. Giver # 2 gives when all other obligations are met first. 

Compared to Giver # 1, Giver # 2 does not take ownership of the local church to the same degree.  The budget belongs to someone else.  The budget is owned by the deacons, the pastor, the elders—but surely not to him.

Giver # 3
This giver is moved by empathy or compulsion.  Paul warns about this kind of giver in 2 Corinthians 9 7 “So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.”  These givers need constant external motivation to give.  Giving is not in their DNA—and it’s not that they won’t give—they just need stirring to give.  A good story goes a long way with Giver # 3.  Giver # 3 is motivated by these external source and, provided there is a constant stream of motivations, he will give.

Here’s some common sense conclusions

  1. If a church has a larger degree of Giver # 1 types, budgets will be constantly reached, missions giving, and missional outreach can happen.
  2. If a church has a smaller degree of Giver # 1 types but more Giver # 2 or Giver # 3, then the leadership must do one of two things
    • Pray, teach, train, disciple people into being Giver # 1 kind of givers, or
    • Motivate the # 2 and # 3 givers through various means on an ongoing basis
  3. Every one of us fits into one of those categories or kinds of givers.  Again, simple common sense.  Your church will only be as strong as the portion of Giver # 1 people, fill the pews!   Yikes!


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