Don't Lose Heart

Jesus spoke a parable to His disciples in Luke 18 regarding the necessity of persistent prayer.  As an introduction to the parable Luke tells us the following.  Jesus spoke a parable to them,"that men always ought to pray and not lose heart (Luke 18:1)."  

Just last Saturday evening we had house guests.  We were all going out to hear a speaker, but were driving separate cars.  My buddy, asked the code to get into the garage, then into the house for the following reason.  He thought my wife and I would be longer getting home after the meeting.  He wanted to leave right away and get back to watch the hockey game.  Well, he was absolutely correct, after the event he and his wife got to our house before we arrived home.

After arriving at our house, I went down stairs to join him in watching the hockey game.  At that time the score was 3-0.  Our Maple Leafs had nothing.  The Vancouver Cannucks had three.  Our wives joined us in the basement--but not to watch the game--they arrived to talk.  It was about 10 minutes later that the Cannucks scored yet one more time.  The Leafs turned again into the 'make-beliefs.'Their coach Randy Carlyle is quoted as saying: "It was a terrible game for us--Probably the worst game we have played this year."  (    But back to our visit.

Once the score was 4-0 I have to admit, I lost heart.  I wasn't into the game anymore.  It didn't matter. There is no way the Leafs could turn it around.  It was too late.  They were losing--and losing badly.  They had no legs.  They needed the showers.  They needed to get back on a jet and head home.
So, we turned our attention to conversation.  

If you have no heart--you lose interest and commitment.  Interestly Luke instructs us about prayer in the same manner.  If you lose heart you will not keep on praying--you will toss in the towel.  

To use another illustration, if you happen to like sailing (like, why wouldn't you?) --it's like being in the middle of the lake and the wind simply stops.  You lose all interest in sailing--you lose heart--you need the wind blowing.

Jesus wants us to pray and not lose heart.  Jesus is telling us, in the parable that follows, He is looking for persisted, pestering prayers.  He wants us to be like the annoying widow who would not be ignored.  He wants us to keep it up--and not grow faint--and, not lose heart.

Question time:
How annoying are we?
How persistent are we?
Are we willing to keep on and on and on and on--until?


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