What am I really zealous about? Who am I zealous for? How far am I prepared to go with my zealousness?

I 'like' hockey--even like the Maple Leafs--but how zealous a fan am I?  Well, I'm unprepared to pay $250.00, or more-- to go watch a game.  
I 'like' sailing--even spending some cash.  My buddy Pete Deboer and I spent a huge $120.00 on our sail boat--and we sail about three weeks a year--not all that zealous. 
So my zealousness is lacking.

Let's talk about my zealousness for Jesus.  Now, that's different--at least I hope. I think I'm pretty zealous.  You know, I do the right things, the spiritual things, and the righteous things.  I'm feeling pretty smug--oops--good about myself and then I read Numbers 25 and it's down hill from there.
Here's the scoop.  (Warning- rated a little on the PG side!)

The enemies of Israel--the Moabites--rather than attacking Israel with swords--use a covert method--worship and sex.  In the worship style of the Moabites, there was a lot of feasting, partying, and sex.  God is ticked off with the whole affair and sent out some kind of plague that kills 24,000 Israelites.

Once the plague has started, and Moses is working at bringing everything under control; a man by the name of Zimri takes his immorality to a new extreme.  He finds a little Moabite girl, Cozbi by name, and starts flirting with her.  Right under the nose of Moses Zimri ,is giggling, dancing around and escorts Cozbi into Zimri's tent.  Now, I doubt he is thinking: "Oh for a good game of checkers. Or maybe we'll watch a good movie."  I think there is more to the visit.

The high priest, Eleazar has seen this little party and takes it upon himself to go into the tent to stop it.  The Bible tells us that he rushes into the tent and thrusts a spear into Zimri's body, through it, and into the stomach of Cozbi.  So with one spear thrust he kills both of them.  One can only guess what they were up to.

God sees Eleazar's actions and uses these words to describe them:  ““Phinehas son of Eleazar and grandson of Aaron the priest has turned my anger away from the Israelites by displaying passionate zeal among them on my behalf. So I have stopped destroying all Israel as I had intended to do in my anger.” Numbers 25:11, NLT.  Eleazar is so zealous for the Lord he skips the counselling session, and  forgets the 'I rebuke you in Jesus name!' approach. He takes his spear, rushes into the tent, and kills them both!  Really?   Several things come to mind about this story.

First, apparently Eleazar's personal comfort level, ego, popularity, etc were of little consequence to him.  He was interested in one thing:  honouring Yahweh.  I cannot worry about me, and simultaneously be zealous for the LORD.  I will have to forget about me and think about Jesus.

Second (and I'm making somewhat of an assumption here) the high priest probably isn't going around killing people daily. I understand the culture, but surely the high priest isn't the walking goon looking to slice people open.  I'm assuming most people are not thinking:  "Don't mess with Eleazer, he will cut you--and cut you deep!" But, here--is it possible he is acting out of character?  Is it possible that because he is driven by a zeal for the holiness of God--he will act out of character?   Am I willing to do whatever it takes--even out of character stuff--to honour Jesus?

Third, sin in God's economy is very different from my economy.  I use phrases like "Oh, he made a mistake,"  or, "He really didn't mean that."  God created me with a free will.  He will never 'make' me love Him.  He will never 'make' me honour Him.  My free will has the power to set in motion my eternal destiny.  I'd better use my free will zealously for God's honour and glory!


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