A little wine for my stomach's sake? Please?

A funny thing happened to me twice in the last two months.  It happened first at the annual United Way train pull.  This is an annual event sponsored by the local United Way, as a fund raiser.  The local pastors were asked to put a team together--which we did--and off we went to pull a train.   This train is actually a train caboose which weighs 100,000 pounds.  Each team gets a chance for two pulls, with a little breather in between.  After our one pull, the MC for the day laughlingly suggested we take a break and go over to the beer tent and have a brew--before we pull again.  The comment was made in jest and simple fun.  

The second time something similar happened was just last week. I was at the local radio station and was asked by the manager if I was going to attend the annual St Thomas award night.  He described the night, location, time etc. and then, tongue in check, said something like, 'Oh and remember, there will be a wet bar!"  Again, the comment made in jest and simply fun.  There was no thought whatsoever that I was actually going to sit down and have a drink.  

There are two questions that keep coming up in my mind, I'd like you to consider.

First, pastors, Christians, and church people are 'known' for being tea-totalers--at least by these two 'worldly people'.  So, here is my first question.  Really?  Can't we be known for anything better? Is that the image we portray?  What about loving people?  What about caring for the lonely, lost, and crying person?  I'm sure you get my concern.

Second, what is known apparently by 'worldly people' is not known by a growing number of church people.  And, that is--church people don't drink alcohol--at least that's what 'worldly people' think.  But, rumour has it more and more church people are in fact tipping the bottle.  So, now the world knowns something about the church that the church doesn't know about itself.  Is that good or bad?  Or doesn't it make any difference at all?

Hmm.  Just one tea totaler (ask the world--they know)  asking some questions.  


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