On Union with Christ

I read  most days, a prayer from my prayer book entitled The Valley of Vision.  It is a collection of Puritan prayers and devotions.
Here is a sample of the prayer I read today:

May His shed blood make me
more thankful for thy mercies
more humble under correction
more zealous in thy service
more watchful against temptation
more contented in my circumstances
more useful to others

As I read that, I am again face to face with a realization.  I am not what I ought to be.  I am not thankful enough.  I am not humble enough.  I am not zealous enough.  I am not watchful enough.  I am not contented.  I am not useful enough.

The answer to those deficiencies in my life is not trying harder.  The answer is not in taking another course, reading more, nor for that matter--even praying more.  The answer is in the blood--that is the vicarious sufferings of Jesus.  
It is only through union with Christ that the deficiencies and sins in my life can be forgiven and changed.  Notice it is about change, not just forgiveness.

It doesn't cut it anymore for me to pray: "Jesus forgive me for not being watchful."  It's time for me to BE watchful  That watchfulness is not a manifestation of Peter trying harder.  It is a by-product, if you will, of my union with Christ.

I simply need to be dead--die to Peter--live for Jesus.  Galatians 2:20
I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.

"May His shed blood make me......!"


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