
David Demoor preached last Sunday at our church.  He preached about the soon return of Jesus.  Interesting that we keep coming back to this same subject--Jesus is coming soon.  He told the following interesting story.

Frank Stronach--the big cheese from Magna was set to visit the plant here in St Thomas.  A certain day was placed on the calendar for Mr. Stronach's appearance.  Prior to his arrival, the employees worked hard at cleaning, painting, and making everything look perfect.  They even shut down some production lines for house cleaning purposes.  Everything was now perfect, and Mr. Stronach was to arrive in his private jet at the St Thomas airport.  But, when the time came for his arrival--he was a no show!   Apparently, he was too busy or involved with other activities.  It was not until some months later that he actually made the visit.

David explained the following.  'Although he didn't come when we expected him, we were still ready!'  David drew a parallel between Jesus' second coming and the mind set and actions of the Formet employees--they were ready! Although Mr. Stronach didn't arrive, the employees were faithful, obedient, and ready.  

So, now again I ask--are we ready?   In Matthew chapter 24 Jesus tells us:  “Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect (Mt 24:44). "  We are informed 'be ready or prepare yourselves'.  We need to do this, because Jesus is coming back at an hour when we do not expect Him.  Which may mean pretty well any time for most of us in our culture.  We probably give hardly a passing thought to Jesus' second coming--which means, He may come today!

Because Jesus is coming, HE tells us--be ready.  Luke 12 gives us this parallel passage.  Luke reads “But know this that if the master of the house had known what hour the thief would come, he would have watched and not allowed his house to be broken into.  Therefore, you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect (Luke 12:39-40)."  If you knew a thief was coming at 4 pm on Saturday, you would make sure you were there--prepared.  So, prepare yourself--Jesus is coming soon!


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