Dumb Mistakes



Dumb Mistakes


Why do Christians, pastors, leaders, ushers, —everyday Christians— make real dumb mistakes.  Now I am talking about real dumb moral mistakes—lying, cheating, immorality, thievery—-like why?

Christine Pohl warns us as follows:

“By compartmentalizing aspects of our actions or thoughts, we are able to ignore major inconsistencies and wrongdoing.”

Ever heard yourself asking this question: ‘What was he thinking when he did that?’   You think of moral failure or just plain —dumb decisions—and you ask that question!   How does that happen?  What were they ‘thinking?’  Well, Pohl suggest “he wasn’t thinking he had stopped thinking and reflecting.  Instead, the person deliberately excluded a part of his or her life from spiritual and moral scrutiny.”


So now a word of help!  Do the daily examen!  (See. https://pwcusick.blogspot.com/2020/04/the-examen.html)


If there ever was a culture, a time, a season when Christians need to act like Christians —it is now!   The ancient practice of the examen is a spiritual discipline designed to help you ‘non-compartmentalize’ your spirituality.  In other words—ALL your life is spiritual.  You eat, spend money, drive, cut your grass, pay your bills, show up for work, —AS a spiritual person representing Jesus.  


Pohl, Christine. 2011. Living into Community: Cultivating Practices That Sustain Us. Grand Rapids, IL: Eerdmans. ISBN: 9780802849854. 219 pp. 


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