Lord--It is too easy to be me!

 Lord it is too easy to be me

Lord it is too easy to be me.

I like me,

I like my opinions,

I like my choices,

I just plain like me.

It’s too easy to be me.

It’s much harder to be you.

It’s much harder to have your opinions, your actions, your motives, your thinking.

They are so different from mine.

I see you in the gospels and 

…you speak when I wouldn’t have—

…you are silent when I wouldn’t be—

…you are comfortable when I would be uncomfortable—

…you are active when I would not be active—

…you are no where to be found  when I would be front and centre—

…you are front and centre when I would be no where to be found.

So, you see Lord, this is quite the journey for me.

I’m not wondering about my faith in you, my conversion, my position in you—but, I am wondering about the lack of Jesus in me.

So here I am again Lord.

I am here bringing myself to you again.

I hear the call to be like you…and I’m stuck with me.

But you are in the transformation business.

So here I am Lord

Transform me

Over and over again…so that people might mistake me for you.


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