Jailed for Preaching!

 Jailed for preaching!

The book of Acts and history itself tells this story:

Acts 4:18 (NKJV)  So they called them and commanded them not to speak at all nor teach in the name of Jesus.

Acts 5:40 (NKJV)  And they agreed with him, and when they had called for the apostles and beaten them, they commanded that they should not speak in the name of Jesus, and let them go.

Help the Persecuted reports that world wide every two hours a Christian is killed for following Christ.(https://htp.org/?sc=2021GA100&mc

These are difficult days— "It was Tertullian, one of the Early Church Fathers of the second century, who really coined the term “the blood of martyrs is the seed of the Church.” (accessed 20 Feb https://media.ascensionpress.com/2018/09/17/blood-of-the-martyrs-is-still-seed-for-the-church/)  

God will have a church.  God will have his people.  And martyrs’ blood is still being poured into the ground around the world!

Question:  Are we not insulting the blood of martyrs when we promote a pastor is “jailed for preaching” when in fact his preaching and the name of Jesus has nothing to do with it?

Just a question for consideration!


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