Life! Common or Spiritual?

 Ps 42:8. But each day the LORD pours his unfailing love upon me, and through each night I sing his songs, praying to God who gives me life.

  1. Common life.  Everyone breathing benefits from the breath of life and the ability to be alive. God gives life—whether that life is acknowledged or not.
  2. Spiritual life.  Ah this is different.  It is the Spirit that gives life!  Here this is special life or special grace.  It is an opening of one’s understanding through divine grace and revelation of the need of spiritual life infused with forgiveness, grace, and freedom.  Unsaved person do not know they are dead in their trespasses and sins.  They are breathing God’s air.  They are the recipients of common life/ common grace—but they are dead—as dead as dead can be.  They think they are alive but they are totally deceived and they are trying to live their common life with as much life as they can muster up.  Now only spiritually alive persons can proceed to the next dimension of life.
  3. Daily uplifting life.  This is even deeper.  This is a continual consciousness or awareness that everything is different because one is infused with Divine presence.  It is the higher life.  It is the deeper life.  There are many words/ phrases used to define this—it is wonderful!  It is a permeation of common life and spiritual life with a holy presence.  It is practicing the presence of God. It is prayer without ceasing.  It is an acknowledgement of divine presence always.  It is living common life and spiritual life with a holy awareness.  It is exhilarating.  It is soaring above the pains, difficulties, embarrassments, trials, and disappointments.  It is the infusion of divine presence.  It is the infusion of divine image.  It is the annihilation of your own opinions, your own will, your own wants because you have found the source of true life and true satisfaction.  It is hiddenness.  It is littleness.  It is awesome.  It is being engulfed with Divine presence!


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