On Being blessed and a blessing

The book of Hebrews is a written thesis with this theme:  the superiority of Christ over Levitical Old Covenant priest/system 

Hebrews 7:7
“7 And without question, the person who has the power to bless is always greater than the person who is blessed.” (NLT)

This is how I read this:

1.  I need to look for someone better, older, wiser, more powerful—to bless me.

2.  I need to be prepared to bless those under me—releasing blessing into them.

It is a family illustration:   the grandfather-father-son scenario— or a grandmother-mother-daughter scenario. Everyone of us is one of the above —at the least—or perhaps two.

This requires us to think in terms of being a family and not a lone eagle. We need to purposefully and intentionally develop two kinds of relationships. One is primarily (though not exclusively) a receiving relationship.  The other is primarily (though not exclusively) a giving relationship.

We should be going through life with this mindset.  To whom am I releasing blessing?  To whom am I receiving blessing?  These are intentional, purposeful relationships.  I call one of my ‘blessers’ on a regular occasion for two purposes. First to hear his voice—I love his voice. Second, to receive his blessing.  I listen intentionally to his words—often asking him to pray for me. I write stuff down he says. I need him in my life. 

I also chase and pursue those who need my blessing, my experience, my knowledge, my hugs, my encouragement. If they don’t seek me out—I call them.  I send them a text.  I corner them for a hug. 

1.  I need to look for someone better, older, wiser, more powerful—to bless me.

2.  I need to be prepared to bless those under me—releasing blessing into them.


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