Is the Anti-Christ here yet?

I grew up hearing various interpretations of “anti-Christ.” These definitions ranged from a special person, a specific denomination or church—someone or some organization that would rise up and deceive the religious world—after the true church had vanished. While there may or may not be some credence in some or all of that, John in his epistles is the only biblical writer who actually uses the term anti-Christ. John’s definition. ἀντίχριστος,—Literally means, an opponent of the true Christ—John uses it: 1John 2:18, 22; 4:3; 2John 7 This is the spirit of Anti-Christ. 1. People who say that Jesus was not truly human—that is, Jesus didn’t have a human body. His body was an illusion. (This is the ancient heresy of Docetism) 2. People who say and preach that Jesus was not truly divine. (This is the ancient heresy of Arianism) The other day I heard a radio talk show host state the following. “I believe in Jesus—but I don’t...