Dealing with Sexual Appetites

First blog:  A ‘source’ must be found for your morals.  Mine is the Bible.
Second blog: How to live and teach morality in an a-moral culture.
Third blog:  Bible Morals and Marriage.

So, what happens when a person has

  • an appetite for fornication?
  • an appetite for adultery?
  • an appetite for pornography?
  • an appetite for ‘same sex attraction’?

Is that appetite wrong?
Simply put—no.  Having an appetite for misdirected ‘wants’ or ‘desires’ in and of itself is not wrong.  It is not sin.

Adam and Eve could have looked at the ‘forbidden fruit’ for a decade—thinking about eating it—and not sin.  Now standing there,or even pining after the fruit would have hurt their intimacy with the Father—but they still wouldn’t have sinned.  In the same way, having an appetite for mis-directed sexual expressions is not wrong.

When does the ‘wrong’ begin?
It is wrong when that is acted upon.  Once Adam and Eve ate the fruit—they sinned—and not before. Expressing the misdirected sexual appetite is sin…and wrong.

Now, if you think about it, there is hardly a person alive who—at some time in his life—had a misdirected sexual appetite.  The question then goes back to this:  do we act on our misdirected sexual appetites?  Our culture says: ‘Absolutely!  Don’t let anyone tell you what to do!’  This now takes us back to blog number one in this series—what is your source of morals?


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