Every sin, Every mistake, Every missed opportunity—presents to me a new day!


Dear Lord
Thank you that my dumb, selfish, egotistical, brainless—-moments and decisions —are grace filled.  
They have turned into unexpected paths of mercy.
So my mistakes are not dead-ends.  They are not —“The End.”
As a matter of fact, I can say, my mistakes are in some ways —“The Beginning."
They have revealed or will reveal a loving, forgiving, gracious God—who somehow tolerates—but more…almost welcomes my mistakes.

My mistakes, My sins…
give You LORD—this wonderful opportunity to reveal Your steadfast love in moments when I least deserve it.
In these moments—when others would quit me—when I would even quit myself, You are there…in wonderful grace and mercy.
Thank you LORD that You are not even surprised, shocked, or taken unawares by my idiocies. 
It’s no wonder David comes up with this line: “ Is this your usual way of dealing with man, O Sovereign LORD? (2 Sam 7:19).”
Thank you Lord, that you are my New Beginning.
Your are ALWAYS my fresh start.
“Yet I still dare to hope when I remember this: The unfailing love of the LORD never ends! By his mercies we have been kept from complete destruction. Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each day. I say to myself, “The LORD is my inheritance; therefore, I will hope in him!”” Lamentations 3:21-24, NLT.

While Lord, I need to—want to—and plan on—living a repentant life—
I need to—want to—and plan on—NOT sinning, NOT missing the mark, and NOT making bad choices…
Chances are I will—many more times—sin, miss the mark, and miss opportunities.
So I am back to the beginning…a New Beginning.
A New Day.
Living, walking, breathing, enjoying, God’s grace and mercy
Shining ever brighter until the full light of day! (Prov 4:18)

Rev. Peter W Cusick 


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