Does God need a watch?

Sometimes I wish that God was more like me.  Now, don't click me off--stay with me.  I wish He was more punctual.  I wish He paid more attention to time...calendars...more specifically MY calendar and MY appointments.

I just read this morning, "Divine timing is involved in every facet of your life." (Caroline Myss)  This is what got me thinking about this again--Divine timing.
I have noted a few Biblical truths that bug me--

  1. 1000 years are like a day and a day is like a 1000 years for God.  So I translate that like this:  When I am in a hurry God isn't---when God is in a hurry, I'm not.  
  2. God always takes His time in making a 'person.'  Joseph is 17 years old when he receives his vision and purpose in life.  At the age of 38 or so the vision becomes true.  Moses is useless until he is 80 years old.  Jesus spends 30 years banging and cutting wood before the Father releases Him into a short three year itinerate ministry.  So I translated that like this: God is more interested in what's going on inside of my heart than what I do in public. What is going on in my heart by way of formation tends to take a long time. 

Now, what I have learned about my timing issues with God is as follows:

  1. There are 'moments' when the LORD is up to something.  These moments are 'hit and miss' from my perspective--but not from God's.  I think of these 'moments' as random events--but God does not.  He has a plan and a purpose in my soul--and He is up to something.
  2. Spiritual journeying is very important.  I'm an event driven kind of person.  But spirituality is not an event it's a journey.  I had three awesome conversations this week with spiritual people who are on a journey. Now to be fair to them--I'm not sure they would articulate their lives in terms of a 'spiritual journey'--but as we chatted I believe, they definitely are on one. I might have then privilege of conversing more with them, as I gave them my contact information.


  1. If God is not in a hurry, don't rush Him--It will frustrate you to no end.
  2. God has never been late--He is always on time.  
  3. Don't look for an event to catapult you into a new realm of spirituality--not likely to happen.  Christlikeness and spirituality take time.
  4. Look for others that the LORD will bring to you--to help along their journey.  Don't worry that they are moving slow--God does too!


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