Accepted in the Beloved

Paul tells us in Ephesians 1:6 that we have been 'accepted in the beloved.'

Two greek prepositions are important for our understanding of this great truth.
EIS--often translated "unto" and means with respect to… the idea of gaining entrance 

EN-often translated "in" and means the idea of remain—to be IN, with or in

1.  When a person surrenders to Christ, repents, is saved, converted, born again, becomes a child of God--he gains entrance into the kingdom of God (EIS) 
Joh 6:47* Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life.

2.  Once a person believes---and is received ---or has gained entrance--Paul tells us something very powerful---that person has been accepted EN the beloved.

Kenneth Wvest:  “His grace could not operate in our salvation apart from the atoning death of our Lord, for God is not only a loving God, but a righteous and just God who cannot pass by sin but must require it be paid for.” 

Martin Lloyd Jones:  “every blessing that man every enjoys from God is always in and through the Lord Jesus Christ.”

  • Our position in Christ is secure
  • Father loves us because our acceptance with Him is through Christ
  • Our spiritual lives grow and develop from this premise:  God loves me--and places HIS favour upon me because  I am accepted in the beloved


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