Whoa! Where am I?

John 14:19 “ In just a little while the world will not see me again, but you will. For I will live again, and you will, too.”

Ephesians 2:6 “For he raised us from the dead along with Christ, and we are seated with him in the heavenly realms--all because we are one with Christ Jesus.”

Lord I am ALIVE in you!
Lord I am SEATED with you!

Alive NOW!  This day!  This moment!  This Season!
Seated now with you.  Not tomorrow—not next year—now!  I am seated with Jesus in the heavenly realms!

I can see Jesus now….because I am alive…
LORD may my spiritual eyes ALWAYS see you!
See where I am (seated with you in heavenly places)
Giving Divine enablement to live above the hum drum of life
Giving Divine enablement to live above the pains of life
Giving Divine enablement to live above
unanswered questions

These things —life, circumstances, and evil forces rob me of
seeing You
hearing You
listening to You
realizing who I am and where I am seated!
These things cause me to live focused on the natural —the here and now.
Lord free me today, tomorrow—and each day from my myopic tendency.
Lord help me daily to come again to true life--and realization of my place in the heavenly realms.

Lord I have little faith—Just like the disciples who were afraid of the storm.
You simply stood—and called out “Be Still.”
Lord call out “Be still!” in my soul.
Lord call out “Be still!” in my mind.
Lord call our “Be sill!” in my life.

I am ALIVE!  I see Jesus NOW.
I am SEATED—with Jesus in heavenly places!

Is that celestial air I am breathing?


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