The God of the impossible

Mary--and the Birth of Jesus:

You probably know the story well--the angelic visitation in Luke's gospel.  Gabriel visits young Mary and tells her that she will become the mother of the Messiah.  Mary is confused in that she is not married--only engaged to Joseph.  Gabriel explains that the child to be born (the Messiah) will not be conceived in the normal biological way--but will be supernaturally implanted in her womb.  Gabriel's explanation of the miracle?  "Nothing is impossible with God (Luke 1:37)."

Who on earth can be saved?

A very wealthy man came to Jesus seeking to inherit eternal life.  The one thing that the man needed to do would be tough--sell everything, give it to the poor, and follow Jesus.  The rich man takes option 'b' and walks.  The disciples then ask--(paraphrased)  'Jesus--duh--this isn't working.  No one is going to get saved.  Our club is not going to grow.  Come on Jesus, how about a different plan?'  Jesus replied "What is impossible with men is possible with God (Luke 18:27)

We humans have this tendency--especially as Western people--and more so of 'men'--I can fix that!  I can do that!  Once we hit a brick wall we run.  But 'eternal' things by nature are brick walls.

Ask yourself:

  • how to inherit eternal life
  • how do you heal a sick person
  • how do you help a rebellious person
  • how do you become more faithful 
  • how do you become more like Jesus
  • how do you win the confidence back of someone you hurt
  • how do you fix a broken home
  • how do you love a unlovable neighbour

Simple--you can't!  Duh!
However--what is impossible with men is possible with God!

Perhaps it is time to stop being Mr Fix Its--Mrs I Know What I Am Doing. 
...and say with Mary:  "I am the Lord's servant.  May everything you have said about me come true Luke 1:38."


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