Where am I running to?

I'll be honest--I am not a runner.  Never have been.  Have no ambition of being one.  I like hiking, walking, biking--but not running.

However, I am now convinced that I am actually a runner--but didn't know it.
I am either:

  • Running INTO the open arms of Christ...or
  • Running AWAY from the open arms of Christ
...and that running is happening continually, every day, every moment.

So I am running.  I fear that too often I run FROM God instead of TO God.
I run from God by being important, busy, fixing, sorting, looking after stuff, looking after people, looking after me, etc.

Instead of just running into the open arms of Christ--and then doing ONLY those things He tells me to do.
I hear God saying to me:

How you want Me
How you desire Me
But I want you more than you want Me
I desire you more than you desire Me

So here is my motivation... God wants me...I choose to run to him.
Lord take that knowledge from my head into my heart
and captivate my heart oh LORD


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