Is this still guaranteed?

I had a phone call the other night that reminded me of--what I judged--as being a poor decision.  I bought a travel trailer a few years ago--it was used--but in great shape.  Once I got it situated up on my camp ground--and started using it--about four small aggravating things started happening.  I went back to the dealership that I bought it from asking for assistance.  Their response: "Ah, the guarantee is only for 60 days."  I explained, that I did not have opportunity to use it--they shrugged me off--and I left.

Now, back to the call.  "Hello Mr. Cusick.  You bought a travel trailer four years ago--and we are giving you a call to see if you would like to up-grade."

My answer.  "Oh, that particular trailer burned.  I replaced it--but not from your dealership--because I was not satisfied with your service."

His response:  "Okay, no problem-- I will remove you from our data base.  Good-bye."  Click.  I laughed!  Hilarious.  Not even a little. "Oh Mr. Cusick--sorry."  Nope.  He frankly could care less.  Now, this story is an story that everyone could repeat hundreds of times over.  The 'service' industry is hardly a 'service' industry.

However, I am going to tell you about an unconditional guarantee--which in our culture--is pretty well, an anomaly.

Eph 1: 14* The Spirit is God’s guarantee that he will give us everything he promised and that he has purchased us to be his own people. This is just one more reason for us to praise our glorious God.

Eph 4: 30* And do not bring sorrow to God’s Holy Spirit by the way you live. Remember, he is the one who has identified you as his own, guaranteeing that you will be saved on the day of redemption.

Now watch this:

  1. Because I have surrendered to God, through the vicarious work and ministry of Jesus--I have perfect standing with the Father.  Christ's atoning sacrifice on the cross, paid the price for my sin, rebellion, dumb decisions, nastiness, laziness, stupidity  etc.
  2. Once that surrender occurred Father sent the Spirit into my heart
  3. Once my heart became a habitation for the Spirit--the Spirit's presence in me GUARANTEES my future!

  • EVERY... EVERY promise in the Scripture is mine--sooner or later--Guaranteed
  • When life is over--I am guaranteed total and complete redemption--Body, Soul, and Spirit

So, regardless

  •  of what happens today or tomorrow--or for the next twenty or thirty years in the life of Peter Cusick--
  •  of my mistakes and dumb choices
  • of my disappointments, frustrations, and challenges with God

I am winning!  I've got the guarantee.  I have the Spirit with in me!Yahoo!  I may not have all the answers.  I may not know everything I should know.  I may blow it.  I may make an immeasurable amounts of goofs.  But, I've got a guarantee.  I have the Spirit in me!
The time is coming--maybe sooner and later--when I will check in with my unconditional guarantee and--LOOK OUT--you won't recognize me!  Oh,  unless you got the guarantee too!


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