This poor man cried out to the LORD!

One of my treasured possessions is my grandad's Bible.  My grandad--John Cusick 1894-1973--was my hero growing up.  He purchased this Bible from a door to door salesperson and paid a little amount week by week just so he could own his own Scofield Reference Bible.  On November 12, 1925 there were special meetings being held at my Nana's church.  She was not able to attend--but asked if grandad would go.  He was not interested--and refused.  However, later on--as the clock ticked, he decided he would attend the meeting.   A few hours later he came home and once inside their humble home,  my nana Kitty Stanley Cusick (1893-1967) looked at her husband and with her strong English accent announced "You Jack (she never called him John) you've been saved."  (She could tell by the glow on his face.)  And that night was the night of grandad's conversion to  the Christian faith.  He became an avid follower of Christ.  He held lay-preacher credentials with the Elim Pentecostal Assemblies of Great Britain.  He served the Lord faithfully preaching, singing, visiting people and loving Jesus.   Grandad was my hero.  He was kind, compassionate, loved me and always called me (from the age of 8)  his 'little preacher boy.'  I have found memories of sitting on the couch at my home with his Bible open--and listening to him explain things from his Scofield Reference Bible.  What a great heritage!  Thank you Jesus! 

Grandad as a prisoner of World War 1.  He is on the second row with a harmonica in his mouth--could he play the mouth organ!!!

Grandad and myself.  I am the ripe old age of nine!  


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