Who’s perspective?

I am becoming more convinced than ever that we have this whole thing wrong.
This is the way we have been thinking—-theologically that is.  Okay I am a sinner by birth and by choice.  God is angry with me for breaking His laws.  He demands absolute perfection and holiness—which arises from unconditional obedience.  This is illustrated in the Genesis account.  Adam and Eve’s absolute perfection grew out of—unconditional obedience.  In their case—don’t eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.  But they blew it.  I can relate to that—I blew it—I blow it.
But, God—who is rich in mercy—sent His monogenes—one of a kind—ONLY one of a kind—His only begotten Son—to provide a sin offering.  Jesus is my vicarious sufferer—He suffered in my place.  

If I repent—cry earnestly out to God to have mercy on me—He will allow Jesus to be my substitute.  Jesus will appease or settle God’s wrath against my disobedience (that is Biblical propitiation).

There are many foci.  There is the focus on I.  There is the  focus on my disobedience and  on Jesus’ vicarious, propitiatory sacrifice.  

Okay I’m now ‘saved’.  I have been washed clean of my sin, rebellion, and disobedience.  The slate is clean—I’m free from sin’s debt.  The debt has been paid in full.

Okay—let’s sing it again?  Or is there another focus?

Let's start with a focus on God instead of me... (brilliant!).  
Watch this:  “For the LORD has chosen Jacob for Himself.  Israel for His own special treasure (Psalm 135:4).”  If we begin with God—we begin to change our perspective on this whole thing.

  • Is it possible that the whole story is really not even about me (heaven forbid!)  but actually about God?
  • Could it be that the story is about God getting me—not about me getting God? (Let’s skip the…who would want me)
  • Could it be that the story is about God seeking me out—calling me out—wanting intimacy with me MORE than I want that with him?


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